Partners and Business Opps

Partners and Business Opportunities

At, our mission is to guide consumers effortlessly through their buying journey, ensuring they select the best sunglasses to elevate their style. If you are a merchant carrying products we’ve recommended or wish to explore a business opportunity with us, kindly note our guiding principles:

  • Our editorial team operates independently, and thus, content suggestions or product recommendations will not be forwarded to them.
  • We don’t accept products solely for review purposes.
  • Sharing contact information of our editorial team is against our policy.
  • We maintain our objectivity; hence, we don’t engage in or endorse sponsored content.

For a deeper understanding of our standards, visit: [Link to About/]

Affiliate Partnerships

Potential buyers visit when they’re on the brink of a purchase decision. Our comprehensive reviews and thorough testing establish a bond of trust with our readers. If you wish to discuss the possibility of an affiliate partnership:

  • Ensure you have an active affiliate program with leading affiliate networks.
  • We can only consider partnerships with merchants who stock products we’ve endorsed.
  • If your portfolio includes a product recommended by and you’re keen on initiating an affiliate partnership, reach out to us at

Licensing and Accolades

Each product featured on our website is, in essence, an award winner. If your product has been highlighted as top-tier by our specialist team, you have the opportunity to license our emblem or editorial content. This is a chance to showcase your product’s superiority to potential buyers. Please register your interest, and our licensing team will connect with you promptly.

Advertising Opportunities

We offer more than just product reviews. Connect with our dedicated reader base through our advertising spaces. For more information, please contact our advertising team at

Other Collaborative Endeavors

For collaboration ideas that don’t necessarily fit into the above classifications, we’re all ears. Share your vision with us at

Media Inquiries

For media engagements, interviews, or other press-related matters, please direct your queries to